Saturday, August 29, 2020

Some Amazing Live Wedding Caricatures: My First Live Gig since the March 2020 Lockdown

The Day the World Stood Still: China, Australia, New Zealand, COVID19 and the Global Sick Day


As the herd immunity increases and the hysteria fades, for most healthy individuals the worst part will be the "Great Toilet Paper Shortage of March" and the worst will be practically having your brain skewered through your nose like it was the obligatory probing in every alien abduction story.

Being in a relatively low risk area my experience was the former...

New Zealand however wasn't so lucky, still luckier than most, but first female Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, a woman who bears more than a passing resemblance to a young Shelley Duvall (the actress who played the mother from the 1981 Stanley Kubrick adaptation of the Stephen King novel "The Shining") was riding high on her flawless, over achieving babysitter style of of governing, and, up until last week (I would've posted this sooner but the nature of my business can come in intermittent waves) was about to announce her reelection campaign.

Then "IT" struck...

Suddenly a small, unexplained, family cluster of the virus was discovered, the panic buying kicked in, the entire country went into "standby" mode (this included the South Island, but to a far lesser extent but even they were forced into the bunker)  

Miss Ardern, her co-prime minister and the rest of her team have since shelved the plans for now and, despite experiencing nowhere near the level of craziness that is happening across the pond...  

Friday, August 28, 2020

How to Trump your Dragon: The 2020 U.S. Election


In 2016 the phenomenon that is the Donald Trump presidential campaign came into existence, bright amazing reality, berated in the mainstream media (to this day) but something unique, something amazing and something truly historical... is happening again...

Stay tuned

Dr. Eve, Mutant Laboratories: A Fallout DLC Concept Art Piece


Playing around with some concept art and pin up ideas the inspiration for this one came from the patches included with Fallout 4. Being a fan of the original Fallout game (the top down isometric platform game with turn based movement and combat based on virtual dice rolls) the whole idea of mutations, birth defects caused by radiation exposure and genetic splicing to create a race of super soldiers was essentially the main story line of the game. So I figured I'd take it one step further, the basic premise being much like the Wasteland Workshop DLC's this would focus on creating monsters, capturing test subjects, fighting them in arenas or using them in raids (or even helping out around the settlement) as I no longer have the spare time to devote to the lifestyle of anything beyond the casual gamer, I figured this idea (while cool) wasn't something I could pursue for now.   

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Back from Beyond... 2020

 Yes it really has been that long since I last posted anything here, turns out life really does get in the way and, as one Mr. Ferris Bueller once pointed out, moves pretty fast.

What's been going on during the long blogger hiatus? 

I've left Luna Park, grown a sweet beard, began teaching myself piano (and at some point the violin) started devouring audio-books and currently am looking forward to the second half of 2020 being truly awesome...

Because it is indeed an election year.

Now living in Australia, a country which up until communist sympathizer and all around wolf in sheep's clothing Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews dropped the corona virus ball, was relatively COVID-19 free watching the events unfolding and leading up to the greatest U.S election in my lifetime has been one of guarded joy and celebration on the slow cooker. 

Anything can happen.

But I am remaining eternally positive, which is why, ironically, I'm reopening the old Blog and getting pack into posting here...

Well that and I recently Googled myself and my work, I need to step up my social media game!