Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My first Mural Pizza Hut Call Centre March 2005 Ed Dyer

 This was the first mural I was ever commissioned to paint.

Pizza Hut sign at the top of the stair well leading to the office.

I had been working at the Pizza Hut Call Centre in Sydney for a few years since leaving the Disney Studio, I was studying (kind of) at the time at TAFE. The place provided at the time was one of the greatest social outlets a bored 20- something could ask for and the meagre income was also a bonus.

It was the tail end of the summer of 2004, the work was easy, (bordering on the mind numbing) but still it was a great place to work nonetheless, it was a normal day just like every other one I got off the train jumped the fence through the military base and showed up to work as I'd done countless times for another forgettable shift that would undoubtedly be spent making little sideways glances at the cuter of the co-workers watching Big Brother, (one of the first useless reality shows) with the sound off and patiently staring the clock until I could scoot home early, or the iPhone was invented. 

It was on this day I found one of the office pamphlets to be most interesting (given that up until then it was mostly motivational garbage about not using the same spoon for sugar and instant coffee) it was a competition to find a design for a mural for the call centre entrance, before then all there was was a nice nicotine stain. Needless to say...I won!

My original design that scored me the commission.

Part of the feature wall leading up the stairs.

This pig was in the doorway

Super Supremo, Delivering Swift Cheesy Justice.

The first Call Centre "Phone-Jack-in-the-Box" Heads

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